Leonardo Pisano called Fibonacci, between advanced mathematics, history of mathematics and mathematics education: three examples drawn from Liber Quadratorum
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Fibonacci, Enriques, Liber Quadratorum, Relation history of mathematics-mathematics education, paradigmatic examples, Medieval mathematics, number theory and mathematics education, Diophantine analysis, Lagrange, GenochhiAbstrakt
In this research, three problems faced by Leonardo Pisano, called Fibonacci,are dealt with. The main purpose is to show that history of mathematics can offerinteresting material for mathematics education. The approach to the use of history ofmathematics in mathematics education cannot be merely historical, but adapted to theneeds of the explanations in a classroom. In the course of this paper, the meaning ofsuch assertion will be clarified. A further purpose is a trying to explore the relationshistory of mathematics-mathematics education-advanced mathematics. Last, but notthe least, a further aim is to offer a specific series of interesting material to the teacherin order to develop stimulating lessons. The material here expounded is conceived forpupils frequenting the third and the fourth years of the high school, but, with minormodifications, it can be adapted to the fifth year of the high school and to the initialyears of the scientific faculties at the university.Downloads
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